Boosting Productivity!
This week has been an off week for sure! I don't know if it's been because of the weather or actual tiredness but I've had to really focus to get back into the routine I had been in all year! I had to put these steps to work so I thought I'd share them with you too in case you were needing some productivity tips too! Here's my favorite steps to help boost your productivity! 1. What tasks are necessary?? "Raise necessity" - I first heard this phrase from speaker & author Brendan Burchard and I had no idea what it meant at first. But once I got it - it has changed the way I look at getting things done and being productive! The best way to put it is: what action is necessary for you to do to reach your goals or even your to-do list for the day? If your goal is to run a 5k - it is necessary for you to train - so if you want to accomplish that: why are you watching TV? If you need to get the dishes & laundry done - it ...