Boosting Productivity!

This week has been an off week for sure! I don't know if it's been because of the weather or actual tiredness but I've had to really focus to get back into the routine I had been in all year!

I had to put these steps to work so I thought I'd share them with you too in case you were needing some productivity tips too!

Here's my favorite steps to help boost your productivity!

1. What tasks are necessary?? 

"Raise necessity" - I first heard this phrase from speaker & author Brendan Burchard and I had no idea what it meant at first. But once I got it - it has changed the way I look at getting things done and being productive! The best way to put it is: what action is necessary for you to do to reach your goals or even your to-do list for the day?

 If your goal is to run a 5k - it is necessary for you to train - so if you want to accomplish that: why are you watching TV?
If you need to get the dishes & laundry done - it is necessary for you to actively do those things - so if you want to accomplish that: - why are you sleeping in? 
 If your goal is to read a book a month - it is necessary or you to actually read the book - so if you want to accomplish that: why are you scrolling social?
 If your goal is to grow your business - it is necessary for you to make a plan and put it in action - so if you want to accomplish that: why are you putting it off?

Until you make it a necessity - you won't be productive.
I know we all have experience with this one - how productive can we be when company is coming and it is NECESSARY for you to pick up the house or clean?

 VERY productive right?! Because it is NECESSARY. 

Makes sense? So until you realize the things you're trying to be more productive with are NECESSARY to you achieving a goal or accomplishing a task - it won't move you.  

2. PLAN - make tomorrow's list now! 

Once you've established that necessity and it's got you out of bed or off the couch - it is SO important for you to make a plan!

 This week was one where I flew by the seat of my pants and I could tell a HUGE difference in how productive I was versus when I plan ahead.

 So make tomorrow's "to-do" list TODAY.

If you're trying to be productive right now, go head and right down 5 things that you want to get done (small or big), then get to work!

It doesn't have to take a lot of time - just quickly jot your list down and now you have a plan to focus on!

4.  Mix up your list: 3 little tasks / 1 big task

There's all kinds of to-do list guides that will tell you to start with the:
- most important and work your way down
- smallest things and work up to the big things
- big things to get them out of the way

Obviously you want to get the most important things done but - what happens if your most important thing is a huge task and you start on that but you get distracted or procrastinate to the point where you get nothing done? Or you do a lot of small things and keep procrastinating the big task?

That makes you feel pretty defeated, unmotivated and unproductive. 

Also - I can't always write my things down in order of importance.. it's more of a "order of when I think of them"! But if something is super important, I'll underline it or if I have the time, I'll number my list once it's written out for the day.

But what makes me feel the best and gets the most done is: knocking out out a few little things first and then tackle a big task. By doing that you get the satisfaction of marking off multiple things off your list relatively quickly, giving you more of a sense of accomplishment and more motivation to keep going!

3. Work in blocks/chunks of time

This is so important so you aren't getting zoned out on a task. You're brain needs a break around every 45 minutes - so I try to switch my tasks up. If I'm working on my computer, then I try to go work on a manual task like cleaning or organizing. 

There's a few ways to do this - it may be you setting a time frame that it should take for you to complete the task:

 - organize closet (1 hour)
 - gym (30 min)

setting a specific time of day that you'll be working on something:

 - weekly budget  (9am-11am)
 - clean bathroom (11am-noon)

If I have an entire day that I plan on working on my list - like a weekend day - I like to enjoy some TV time AND be productive. I compromise by watching a show or movie and then knock out a task during commercials! If you're streaming a show or movie - you can create your own commercial break and set a timer to stop every 10-15 minutes and take 2-3 minutes to knock out an easy task!

5. Move procrastinated tasks to first priority

If you've put something off more than 3 times, move it to the top of the list - no matter what - the next day!
 As Nike says - "just do it!"
You'll feel so much better when you do!

What are your tips on how you get productive or stay productive?! 
Which one of these should you try first?!

 Comment below OR let me know on my Instagram post!


 Happy Sunday! 
I'd love to meet you/interact with you!

Instagram: @itsbrookeallison
Facebook: Brooke Allison

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